When I first set out on my writing journey, I would have given anything for the encouragement and guidance of someone who’d already traveled that path. Now, having written five books and published four, having spoken to thousands of aspiring and struggling writers, and having worked one-on-one with writers for the past four years, I’m now able to offer the support I so longed to have in those early days.

If you’re struggling to find your voice, stuck in the middle of a project, overwhelmed by fear and self-doubt, or just seeking clarity as you move forward, I can help! And if there’s a book you’re longing to write, I can mentor you through the process of turning an idea into a completed manuscript.

  • Coaching Call

    A coaching call is a conversation. I listen as writers share their stories, their goals, and their frustrations, and we work together to find a way forward.

  • Coaching Package

    Three coaching calls to get you on track to complete your project. We’ll clarify your motivation, overcome obstacles, and find your inspiration.

  • Writing Mentorship

    Write your book this year! The mentorship includes up to six coaching calls, 50k words of editing, monthly check-ins, and ongoing support to help you finish your manuscript.

Need an editor? I offer comprehensive editing (copy editing, line editing, and content/story editing) for manuscripts of all genres.

  • Small Editing Projects

    Comprehensive editing for projects of 1k words or less.

  • Book Editing

    Comprehensive editing for manuscripts of 50k words or less.

  • Book Editing (Mid-length)

    Comprehensive editing for manuscripts of 75k words or less.

  • Book Editing (Large Project)

    Comprehensive editing for manuscripts of 100k words or less.

Fill out the contact form, and I’ll be in touch. I look forward to working with you!